| Prof. Werner Rothengatter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Former head of the Institute of Economic Policy Research and the Unit of Transport and Communication main publications on transport infrastructure provision, transport and the environment, freight transport forecasting with integrating micro-logistics. |
 | Prof Rosário Macário MIT Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico President of the Shareholders Assembly of the company TIS.PT Consultores em Transportes Inovação e Sistemas s.a. and Vice President of the Scientific Committee of the WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society), and Founder of the Panamerican Transport Research Society, and Vice-Chair of the Council of the Association of European Transport. |
 | Prof. Gernot Liedtke DLR, Institute of Transport Research Head of Commercial Transport Department, postdoctoral qualification and publications relating to logistics, supervisor of four successful PhD-theses, local coordinator of Marie Curie Action TransportNET at IWW Karlsruhe (2006-2008) |
 | Dr Vasco Reis MIT Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico Research Fellowat theInstitute for Research and Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainability (CERis)and aLecturerat the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). Full Member of the Center for Urban and Regional Systems of the IST-UL. Experience in more 20 international projects: EDUCAIR, TUNRAIL, ELOFRET, LOGURB. |
.tmb-small.jpg?sfvrsn=1) | Dr. Dilay Çelebi Istanbul Technical University, Management Faculty Professor of Management Engineering at Istanbul Technical University. Her research interest include international logistics, logistics operations and modelling. |
 | Prof. Ryuichi Shibasaki
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Expert in global supply chains and international logistics. |
 | Dr. Banu Yobaş Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Expert on information systems management and artificial intelligence. More than 20 years of experience of conceptual design, physical implementation and performance improvement various sectors in projects with budgets ranging from $ 2 to $ 10 million. |
 | Doç. Dr. Mehmet Erçek İstanbul Technical University, Management Faculty Distinguished professor in the fields of of organization theory, strategic management and management innovations, trainer & mentor at ITU Cekirdek |
 | Ümit Şenesen Professor Emeritus - İstanbul Technical University Distinguished professor in the fields of exploratory data analysis, input-output analysis, regional income distribution, applied quantitative methods (statistics, econometrics). |